Tuesday, January 7, 2014

What It Is Like To Be A MBA Intern At LinkedIn

I spent my summer internship during business school working for LinkedIn as a Product Marketer. I had a fantastic experience and have accepted a full time offer to return as a Product Marketing Manager in their Sales Solutions business. I've been doing a lot of informational interviews about my experience for friends, classmates and friends of friends. Below are the things that I usually highlight about my experience. 

1. LinkedIn is serious about their culture and values. It's not just something written on the wall. Read this interview of our CEO Jeff Weiner to understand his take on it. Also, over the summer I heard one of our sales people explain the "members first" value to a potential customer as a response to why we would not do some of the things they would have liked us to do. If sales people are explaining our values on sales calls, it's the real deal. 

2. Innovation is alive and well at LinkedIn. Read this article from Wired magazine to understand some of the programs that LinkedIn has put in place to encourage innovation among their employees. I watched the INcubator finals first hand and saw Reid Hoffman and Jeff Weiner green-light some great innovative projects from all over the company. 

3. Interns are well integrated into the company and a lot of thought is put into the internship program. Interns are invited to everything, including the all hands every two weeks with the CEO and other senior leaders. I felt welcome at any company event. Jeff Weiner and Reid Hoffman both spent time with the interns. The marketing group had an offsite in Monterrey for a week and all the marketing interns were invited. I even participated in the wellness program and got some awesome swag. There were also plenty of fun intern only activities, a cruise in San Francisco bay, sushi making competition and many others.

4. Talent is important to LinkedIn. I was invited to give a personal presentation explaining what I did over the summer to LinkedIn's CMO Nick Besbeas my last week. It was just Nick, myself and my manager. A busy CMO taking 30 minutes for a 1x1 with each intern in marketing, that meant a lot. I can't think of a better place to learn and grow after business school 

I hope this helps you understand a bit about what it's like to intern at LinkedIn. I wrote for LinkedIn's corporate blog a post about how I got my internship. Click here to see it. 

Lastly, I brought my GoPro camera out to California for the summer and took some footage at work. I made a quick 90 second video about what it's like to be an MBA intern at LinkedIn, enjoy!


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